回复 :Dead bodies are piling up, and the leads the two LA homicide cops have point to Barbara, business manager for a successful architectural firm she runs with her husband Lance. The dead men were interns at the firm, and each of them was Barbara's lover (kept in a classy flat she owns and observed via closed-circuit TV by the applauding Lance). Kyle is Barbara's latest intern and lover, and he may be in danger. He also starts to fall in love with Barbara, and the feeling may be mutual. In the background are Erin, Lance and Barbara's myopic administrative assistant, and Tony, Kyle's one-time roommate who also knows Barbara. Can the cops solve this before too many more die?
回复 :一名深愛東京鐵塔的鐵塔女(東凜 飾),她的夢想是有朝一日和東京鐵塔結婚。她還編織了一個夢想:全裸與東京鐵塔結合,在塔頂上自慰。在鐵塔女要前往塔頂時,有個階梯男尾隨她,跟在她的身後。階梯男知道了鐵塔女的夢想後不但沒笑她,甚至還說他有個朋友跟鐵塔女一樣對某事物十分著迷,還問鐵塔女是否要跟對方見面。同時,有名車輪女,和一名希望成為自行車車座的車座男,也展開了另一段故事……
回复 :谢安真(隋棠 饰),离婚四年,单身四年,身兼职业OL与家庭主妇两种身分的她,将生活中的一切都打理得井然有序。女儿眼中的好妈妈、同事眼中的好上司、朋友眼中的好姐妹,但,她又会是谁的“好情人”呢? 虽然对爱情仍然有些渴望,安真总用自己的生活很充实、很满足、很幸福来当藉口,因此,她与天蔚(宥胜 饰)还是一直维持着“好朋友”的关系。但,连安真自己也没发现,她只是没有勇气,没有勇气再次投入一段“甜蜜却随时可能破碎的爱情” 。在安真苦恼于是否该接受天蔚的感情时,前夫瑞凡(温升豪 饰)却在此时出现,再次对她展开追求。 在“亲情”与“爱情”、“安心”与“开心”、“习惯”与“改变”之间,安真是否能够把握当下的幸福,勇敢走向能让她发自内心微笑的那个人呢? 幸福,真有么困难吗?