回复 :科兹鲁克(克兹佐夫·马扎克 Krzysztof Majchrzak 饰)是一名平凡的农夫,每天过着循规蹈矩的生活。一天,村里来了一名美丽的女教师海德琦亚(Anna Seniuk 饰),原来,政府为了能够普及教育,打算在村里建造一间小学。海德琦亚的与众不同瞬间就吸引了科兹鲁克的注意,更糟的是,村长将海德琦亚安排到了科兹鲁克家暂住,这让科兹鲁克整天都生活在想入非非之中。海德琦亚和村里的邮递员交往甚密,这让科兹鲁克感到非常的不是滋味,嫉妒如同火焰一般灼烧着他的内心。几个月之后,海德琦亚决定返回城里,此时的她已经和当地的居民们结下了深厚的友谊,所有人都舍不得她,其中也包括科兹鲁克。
回复 :中年的弗朗索瓦(布鲁诺·克雷默)是名哲学老师,他和风度怡人的妻在小镇里过着中规中距的生活。然而他的学生,17岁的少女玛蒂尔(凡妮莎·帕拉迪丝)出现了,带着少年人少有的成熟和不羁。弗朗索瓦带着挽救堕落少女的心情走近她,却难以抑制的被玛蒂尔的热情和聪慧所吸引。他们相爱了,激情四溢,刻骨铭心。可是当玛蒂尔要求弗朗索瓦离开妻,与她一起时,男人退缩了,他想到了年龄,婚姻,道德,身份,想到了太多的琐碎。再次绝望的玛蒂尔用激烈的方式破坏老师的生活,颠覆了他的事业与婚姻,然后消失的无影无踪。当人们再次发现她的时候,她的房间里写着“弗朗索瓦,这里就是海。”
回复 :Four seedy criminal outcasts risk their lives in pursuit of redemption, both legal and moral, by driving unreliable trucks stocked with nitroglycerine through dangerous landscape to cap an oil well fire in a Central American banana republic. Featuring a trance-like score by Tangerine Dream and a visceral, astonishing performance by Roy Scheider, Friedkin's reinterpretation of Clouzot’s 1953 masterpiece is perhaps the best remake of all time and is among Friedkin’s most daring works. Three sequences alone –a chaotic car crash in Boston, the unloading of charred bodies in a Central American village, and the explosives laden trucks crossing a rickety storm-blown bridge – render Sorcerer a classic and retain their power to make audiences gasp. Released the same year as Star Wars, Friedkin's audacious masterpiece represents the braver road abandoned by the studio system.