国产A son tries to reconnect with his father by secretly interacting with him in the fantasy MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) 'Final Fantasy XIV.'
国产A son tries to reconnect with his father by secretly interacting with him in the fantasy MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) 'Final Fantasy XIV.'
回复 :James Purefoy stars as William Travers, a criminal barrister who is recovering from a traumatic series of events that have shaken his belief in the legal system.On the surface, Travers is a picture of success; an accomplished criminal barrister happily living with his wife (played by Dervla Kirwan) in rural Suffolk.However, Travers is still recovering from events in his past when he is drawn into a case that involves his old friend Martin Newall (Nathaniel Parker), who faces conspiracy and murder charges while at the same time being investigated by a vicious and vengeful detective DS Mark Wenborn (Creed Miles).The five-part series from acclaimed writer Anthony Horowitz (Collision, Foyle's War) is a story of friendship, conspiracy, betrayal and murder as well as a critical look at the way the legal system operates.
回复 :张强(方中信 饰)是法律界的神话,法庭上战绩彪炳,但执业二十年一直独力经营着小型事务所K.Cheung & Co.。全公司只有他、秘书李少桦(郭少芸 饰)、徒弟周力行(何广沛 饰)三人。张强重视金钱与名利,适逢香港最大华资律师事务所Donald & Co.的资深委员会主席卓继尧(刘丹 饰)看中了张强,邀请加入其创办的香港最大华资律师事务所Donald & Co,用作制衡野心勃勃的刘谨昌(廖启智 饰);谨昌早年是证监会的高层,拥有政商背景和强大人脉,卓继尧以让出Donald & Co.委员会主席做条件,力邀谨昌成为Donald & Co.的执行合伙人。谨昌在妻子汪凯琳(李璧琦 饰)帮助下,登上另一事业高峰。后来他发现继尧毫无让位打算,于是在公司培植势力,包括保荐除牌大状任伟梁(曹永廉 饰)转职做事务律师,再破格擢升资历短浅的方宁(黄智雯 饰)做高级合伙人,图谋逼宫。万事俱备,谨昌最后一步就是启动一宗大型企业上市计划,赚取踢走继尧的本钱。可是,张强在这关键时刻竟作拦路虎,打乱谨昌的所有预算。一场非战不可的律政对奕,成为谨昌、张强互相敌视的导火线。于是,张强及刘谨昌在律师楼里进行了一次又一次交锋。
回复 :该剧由CW电视网推出,改编自DC的长寿漫画《绿箭》。拥有上亿身价的Oliver Queen(斯蒂芬·阿美尔 Stephen Amell 饰)遭遇严重的游船事故。在失踪并宣布死亡5年后,被发现生还。当他重回大都市,受到了家人和朋友的热烈欢迎,但他们也感觉他和五年前不同。海岛经历让Oliver受到精神和身体的双重考验,在众人前尽力掩藏真实的自我,一心要去补偿父亲当年对这座城市犯下的错。白天,他依然是富豪公子,夜晚却化身正义使者“绿箭”。而前女友Laurel(凯蒂·卡西迪 Katie Cassidy 饰)的父亲警探Quentin则决定逮捕这个不按牌理出牌的游侠,以维护城市的治安。同时他也必须处理好与成为坏女孩的妹妹Thea,改嫁的母亲Moira,与Laurel有过一段情的好友Tommy之间的种种关系。而暗处也有一股暗黑势力在向他逼近……