李响Follows Sara, who recently divorced and decided to register for a 'From Fear to Love' retreat on the Italian volcanic island of Stromboli but she is confronted with the painful past she has been trying to hide.
李响Follows Sara, who recently divorced and decided to register for a 'From Fear to Love' retreat on the Italian volcanic island of Stromboli but she is confronted with the painful past she has been trying to hide.
回复 :2019, City of Madrid (Madrid, center to Spain and country's capital). Marina is a woman unable to believe in love after her father was unfaithful to her mother Lourdes when she was a child, but who works as successful wedding planner in her own company with her close friend Irene and the own Lourdes as employee. In their last job Marina meets by chance Carlos, one of the invited. Having a drink together, between the two lights the flame and they make sex in the idea that they not will meet again. When at the next day Carlos' girlfriend Alexia finds Marina's calling card in his t-shirt, Carlos is unable to say her the truth, lying Alexia to make her believe that he wants to marry. But when Carlos and Alexia meet Marina, he learns that Alexia and Marina are former school classmates and that Marina suffered bullying from Alexia. After in the wedding where Marina met Carlos a drunken Lourdes caused an accident where the bride fell and crashed against a bank of the church turning it in an Internet video viral and it menaces to ruin Marina's company, Irene forces her to accept the new assignment, moving they three to Tenerife (Canary Islands, west to Africa) to meet hotel entrepreneur Arturo, Alexia's father. However, troubles appear by everywhere: Arturo despises Carlos not considering good enough for Alexia, while Carlos, who has an architecture studio with his best friend Ben, tries to convince his future father-in-law to work as hotel designer for him; at the same time, Marina revenges Alexia with a disastrous voyage by sea and later with a bottle cork, damaging her teeth. With Marina returning temporally Madrid to repair it, Marina and Carlos feel attracted each other, knowing that it put in danger their jobs. While Carlos doubts about between Marina and Alexia, this last one returns Tenerife with Ben, looking for sure the contract and that Carlos doesn't reveal Alexia the truth. According lies and deceives accumulate and the wedding comes, Carlos feels each time more trapped by the circumstances, making sure that the wedding day be unforgettable.
回复 :克里斯蒂安(韦斯利•拉姆齐Wes Ramsey 饰)是个同性恋者,他年轻英俊、风流倜傥,经常在朋友面前炫耀自己的风流史。这天,有四位年轻英俊的摩门教徒搬进克里斯蒂安的公寓。乐不可支的克里斯蒂安拿着一箱啤酒去窜门,可是他同性恋的身份一眼就被看穿了,被他们赶了出来。克里斯蒂安发誓一定要追到其中的一位英俊小伙阿隆(史蒂夫•山德沃斯 Steve Sandvoss 饰),一雪前耻。克里斯蒂安经常撞见帮同伴洗衣服的阿隆,一次,他假装伤的很重,将好心的阿隆骗到了自己的公寓,两人的第一次就这样开始了。完事后,阿隆惊慌得不知所措,因为摩门教规禁止同性恋,可是克里斯蒂安却不以为然,阿隆气愤得大骂。这次之后,克里斯蒂安开始反思自己的人生,渐渐地,他发现生活除了游戏和性,还有其他更丰富的东西,他也发现,自己开始爱上了阿隆……
回复 :1918年事变后,日军占领下的奉天。孟镇德(郑浩南 饰)赌场内,凯旋大舞厅的老板李菁(胡慧中 饰)急忙来找孟镇德,告诉他,舞厅歌女美顺从日本黑道头目古马那里获悉,运送军火的汽车明天下午4点去哈尔滨。次日午后,孟镇德率全副武装的弟兄袭击了军火车。奉天的街道上,日本浪人凌辱百姓,被一位叫李上大的壮汉打得跪地求饶。原来,李上大是来奉天寻找失散的恋人美顺的。他绝没想到,如今美顺已成了凯旋大舞厅红极一时的歌女,并被日本黑社会古马会长霸占为情妇。日本浪人到赌场寻衅,被孟镇德赶出场,此举令古马十分恼火。几天后,古马派负责地片的小林(程天赐 饰)带人将孟镇德杀害。一天,李上大在街上痛打了施虐的小林,被老百姓誉为英雄,并冠以“奉天三虎”的美称。奉天抗日志士成立了一个组织,拥戴李上大做领袖。一名日本记者在舞厅侮辱舞女遭到李上大的教训,李菁非常感激,忙备酒款待。美顺被叫来作陪,一对失散多年的恋人在异乡得以重逢。古马派人刺杀李上大未遂,李菁将身负重伤的李上大救出,并通知了美顺。一对热恋的情人含泪相拥,诉说思念之苦。美顺从古马口中得知,近几天将有大批无辜同胞被运往哈尔滨供做细菌实验。美顺忙用电话通知李菁,结果被暗探发现。尽管第二天劫车成功,美顺却被捕入狱。后来古马得知李菁参与劫车,便一次次谋害李菁。李菁被逼无奈,找李上大联手剪除古马。李菁和李上大等人潜入古马总部,不料古马防范在先,使他们陷入重围。美顺也被当做人质。美顺鼓励李上大英勇杀敌,她自己却惨死在乱刀之下。古马举刀刺向李上大,被李上大飞脚将战刀反踢进古马腹中。李上大、李菁刚刚杀出古马总部,一队荷枪实弹的日本兵拦在面前,枪战中,李上大、李菁壮烈献身,但他们的英名与日月同辉。