名侦It's a love story about a husband and wife, played by Jake Johnson and Rosemarie DeWitt. It's about the pleasures and pains of building a family with someone, and maintaining the excitement of a relationship over a long period of time.
名侦It's a love story about a husband and wife, played by Jake Johnson and Rosemarie DeWitt. It's about the pleasures and pains of building a family with someone, and maintaining the excitement of a relationship over a long period of time.
回复 :少女黄素和韩立人相恋,生下一个“私生子”之后,韩立人抛弃了她,又和一个有钱的小姐结婚了,并且骗走了孩子黄素于是远走他乡,改名林露萍,当上了演员。十三年后,黄素红极一时,应邀来上海演出,和她合作的青年演员韩晨性情孤僻,憎恨一切人,大家也歧视他,因为他是个被遗弃的“私生子”。在舞台上,韩晨演林露萍的儿子,非常成功。后来林露萍发现他原来就是她多年前被韩立人骗走的亲生儿子。这时,剧场老板韩立人出现了,他希望和林露萍重归于好,但被林露萍母子拒绝了。
回复 :一个过气落魄的乡村歌手,在人生的道路上尝尽了酸、甜、苦、辣,但真诚的关怀,终于使他再度鼓起勇气面对社会,而不懈的努力也再次赢得大众的尊敬。
回复 :日占台湾期间,林场主的千金秀兰和长乐一对恋人处于热恋之中,但遇日军军官横山少佐,横山对秀兰产生爱慕,在秀兰拒绝后进而发展成妒忌和狂暴,将长乐毒打后拉入劳工中充军,将其活活折磨而死。秀兰在两份情间挣扎,最终横山也死于冷枪之下。台湾光复了,但所有的痴情和孽缘也成为了追忆。