回复 :It follows Ayef. She has no time for love because of her dream of becoming an animator. She meets Manny, and they agree to a convenient relationship that will expire on the month she is set to leave for Singapore.
回复 :“降头”——有人说是蛊,有人说是邪术,也有人认为是一种传说,究竟降头是什么东西?至今医学界也得不到一个正确的答案,但人言之凿凿,却不由你不信! 男子张友职业司机,娶妻翠兰,因时运多滞,时遇暗九杀,时遇见些鬼怪的事,因而求神占卜,但也不能化凶为吉。一夜,张在街上兜得一对 男女上车,嘱往大口环坟场,张不知道这双男女竟为情而死的鬼魂,无意间触犯其禁忌,其后,张在坟场附近吃云吞面,又遇上了鬼,发觉所找回的碎钱竟变为冥镪,连所吃的云吞也全是黄泥,张大骇,大呕大吐,因此而大病一场……
回复 :In order to escape from her former lover Marc, Sylvia goes to Brazil where Dr. Santamo transforms her into the beautiful Emmanuelle. With this new identity comes a sexual awakening which is complicated by her memories of Marc. As with other entries in this series, the plot twists provide ample opportunities to expose the characters.