回复 :美墨边境题材剧集《#郊狼# Coyote》发布预告,宣布移至CBS All Access,2021年1月7日上线。而CBSAA明年初又会改名为Paramount+。这部6集剧之前Paramount Network开发。由David Graziano、Michael Carnes及Josh Gilbert执笔的剧集《郊狼》聚焦在美墨边境,讲述当了32年美国边防警卫队探员的Ben Clemens(Michael Chiklis饰)过去一直为美国抓捕墨西哥偷渡者。现在他被迫为对面的人效劳,但当主角正式待在边境的另一边后,他发现自己非黑即白的观点,以及原本的忠诚都被慢慢动摇起来。
回复 :This series is above the expectations they had about it. It is very fast (beyond the tempo of each episode) conflicts are able to develop and resolve in each episode. Which for one as a spectator is very good since the rhythm is never lost.On the other hand, humor management is constant and gives it its point of grace so that conflicts, which are very deep, can occur with a lightness that catches.The chemistry that Paula Usero and Carol Rovira keep in the series is the same as they have in "Love Is Forever" so in just 10 minutes they catch you in a way that when you already see them together you already know that everything will work out , they are the basis of this series and the writers notice that they know it since the series is by and for them.
回复 :调酒师 雨村慎介(三浦春马 饰演)下班回家的时候被人殴打头部,受了重伤几乎丧命。数日后恢复意识的他发现自己有一部分重要的记忆忘记了。那是段关于自己之前驾车引发交通事故致人死亡的一段记忆。雨村想要恢复自己的记忆,但却回追高清想不起来那时的自己到底要干什么。就在这时他的身边开始发生了奇怪的事:先是同居的女友失踪,然后神秘的女人出现了。在序章中叙述的死于交通事故的女人,她临死前的瞬间将所见烙印于瞳孔中的那双眼睛的魔力,逐渐将一切支配…