回复 :Brandy Kirby和邪恶的律师Vincent Mailer想通过伪造一个William和Maida McIntyre夫妇失散多年的儿子,来捞取好处。Brandy于是诱骗赌徒Lefty Farrell假扮这个儿子。McIntyre的侄女,喜欢Lefty,将他介绍了McIntyre夫妇,老夫妇很快相信了这就是Lefty他们的儿子,但老人却不肯修改遗嘱。Lefty不敢杀害McIntyre,而说穿了Mailer的骗局。(文:life_is_good@YDY)Brandy Kirby and crooked Lawyer Vincent Mailer plan to rob William and Maida McIntyre by producing a convincing double for their long-lost son. Brandy charms gambler Lefty Farrell into impersonating the missing son. Kathy, the McIntyre's niece, who likes Lefty, introduces him to the McIntyres who soon become convinced he is their son, but the old man refuses to change his will. Lefty balks at killing McIntyre and exposes Mailer's attempted swindle. Brandy and Lefty end up together as "two of a kind."
回复 :未来某时,一种丑陋凶恶、仿佛来自地狱的怪物肆虐人间,大肆屠杀人类。某小镇在怪物的荼毒下宛如一座死城,生存者战战兢兢,惶恐度日。由凯文(Ben Budd 本•巴德 饰)率领的特种小分队进驻小镇,保护幸存者,与怪物展开对抗。凯文发现,被怪物咬过的人类会受到感染,化身力大无穷的凶残异体。而怪物也在某个神秘领导者的带领下有秩序地对人类进行围捕。为了击退穷凶极恶的魔鬼,凯文找到一本古老的书籍,在其中寻找制敌的良策……根据美国同名电玩游戏改编。
回复 :The plot of the film sees a U.S. military veteran — Sergeant Rick Pedroni — return home changed and dangerous after a tour of duty in Afghanistan where he suffered an attack by a mysterious force. While officials dismiss his behavior as PTSD, and order trauma therapy, Rick's wife Kate discovers her husband has been possessed by a malevolent spirit. Kate has to race against time...