起跳Director Jeanie Finlay charts a transgender man's path to parenthood after he decides to carry his child himself. The pregnancy prompts an unexpected and profound reckoning with conventions of masculinity, self-definition and biology.
起跳Director Jeanie Finlay charts a transgender man's path to parenthood after he decides to carry his child himself. The pregnancy prompts an unexpected and profound reckoning with conventions of masculinity, self-definition and biology.
回复 :From the Louvre to Buckingham Palace, to the gutters of Paris to the siege of La Rochelle… In a kingdom divided by religious wars and under threat of British invasion, a handful of men and women will cross swords and tie their fate to that of France.
回复 :地产集团高级职员王港生为人踏实,对香港前景有信心,同事兼好友邓志成则急功近利,遭副经理方国柱利用,挪用公司资源发展私帮生意,被逼辞职。港生与女友方丽儿对移民问题意见不一,加上港生与丽儿兄长早有过节,种种问题致小两口感情破裂。港生父王标身体日差,港生于是接手打理其工厂,并得到志成帮助,令工厂度过难关。另一方面,志成与港生妹美玲相恋,港生则与工厂文员朱淑敏日久生情,怎料丽儿也欲与港生重拾旧情…..
回复 :本輯實況劇分為「半個爸爸」、「十月之後」及「安枕無憂」三個故事。「半個爸爸」故事中,亮妻剛生小孩,在坐月期間已決定不再生仔,亮妻對坐月諸多限制甚為不滿。亮兄(江譽聖飾)沒有生育,其實亮兄妻想生,但亮兄不想生,每每逃避生育,甚至與妻分床睡。亮兄不是不想生,但有心無力,想生卻生不出來。亮兄結果去搞人工授孕。「十月之後」中女主角由於對生育十分恐懼,壓力太大,差點患上「產後精神分裂」。「安枕無憂」中主角梁偉彪(周志輝飾)與妻(羅冠蘭飾)生了多個小孩後,決定去結紮,最初面對很大心理壓力,後來剋服心理障礙結紮成功。