回复 :This kicks off with the murder of one Adolf Schwartz (who bears a striking resemblance to another famous Adolf) by placing a ravenous piranha fish in his bathtub. Who did it No-one knows or cares, as they're too busy being distracted by busty Margo Winchester, who hitch-hikes into# town and gets involved with all the local men. It all ends with a series of complicated plot twists that reveal that just about everyone is really someone else. And if it gets too confusing, Russ Meyer helpfully arranges for a one- woman nude Greek chorus to pop up at intervals to explain what's going on.
回复 :After a collision with a comet, a nearly 8km wide piece of the asteroid "Orpheus" is heading towards Earth. If it will hit it will cause a incredible catastrophe which will probably extinguish mankind. To stop the meteor NASA wants to use the illegal nuclear weapon satellite "Hercules" but discovers soon that it doesn't have enough fire power. Their only chance to save the world is to join forces with the USSR who have also launched such an illegal satellite. But will both governments agree?
回复 :故事发生在1835年的东欧,宪兵康斯坦丁(特奥多·科尔班 Teodor Corban 饰)带着他的儿子伊沃尼塔(米海·科玛罗尤 Mihai Comanoiu 饰)正在茫茫的沙漠里追捕奴隶卡费(托玛·库兹因 Toma Cuzin 饰),因为这名奴隶和雇主的妻子有着不纯洁的关系。虽然身为父子,但康斯坦丁和伊沃尼塔的个性截然不同,前者热情又乐观,总是充满了干劲,而后者沉默又内向,脑海里无时不刻都在思考着人生。一路上,父子两人遇见了各种各样的人,他们有着不同的肤色,不同的信仰,虽然同为人类,但彼此之间有着非常激烈的思想碰撞,这些人给伊沃尼塔的世界观带来了极大的震撼,也让他一路成长。