回复 :Race for the White House is a thrilling six-part CNN Original Series narrated by Academy Award winner Kevin Spacey. Using rare archival footage, interviews, and stylized dramatizations, each hour-long episode tells the story of one iconic campaign for the Presidency of the United States. From powerful speeches to the dirty tricks and Machiavellian schemes, Race for the White House captures the drama of a high-stakes presidential election and its impact on politics today.
回复 :在这部纪录片里,艾伦·佩姬和她的好友伊恩·丹尼尔继续与观众一起探索世界各地的LGBTQ文化。从乌克兰到印度,从法国再深入到美国南部,领略各地风情,倾听人们对生活的看法以及他们的故事。然而就在第二季节目播出前,奥兰多发生惨案,为这部纪录片增添了新的注脚。这让我们深刻领悟到 ,平权不是最终目的,改变陈旧观念才是。然而任重且道远。
回复 :BBC和BritBox将制作《天堂岛疑云》的衍生剧《超越天堂》。