拉瑞·凡斯登将执导根据玛丽·雪莱的名著《弗兰肯斯坦》改编的独立恐怖片[堕落](Depraved,暂译),与此同时影片先导海报率先曝光。目前卡司为大卫·卡尔、乔舒华·莱纳德以及亚历克斯·布鲁。片中亚历克斯·布鲁扮演怪物。制作公司Glass Eye Pix、Forager将打造该片。本片2月将在纽约展开制作。
拉瑞·凡斯登将执导根据玛丽·雪莱的名著《弗兰肯斯坦》改编的独立恐怖片[堕落](Depraved,暂译),与此同时影片先导海报率先曝光。目前卡司为大卫·卡尔、乔舒华·莱纳德以及亚历克斯·布鲁。片中亚历克斯·布鲁扮演怪物。制作公司Glass Eye Pix、Forager将打造该片。本片2月将在纽约展开制作。
回复 :广袤的中华大地,数不胜数的美丽生灵与人类共生,谱写一曲曲壮美的生命之歌。生活在高原地带的雪豹达娃不久前刚刚成为两个小家伙的妈妈,为了抚养孩子长大,她不仅要一次次出击捕猎,还要面对来自强劲对手的挑战。四川某处的茂密竹林中,大熊猫丫丫正和女儿美美快乐玩耍,美美对世界充满好奇,渴望尽早挣脱妈妈的束缚去拥抱未知的世界。神农架的原始丛林里,小金丝猴淘淘倍感落寞,因为新出生的妹妹夺走了本该属于他的关爱,于是淘淘离开家人,成为了流浪猴中的一员,却必须面对种种残酷的现实。可可西里的荒原上,母藏羚羊和丈夫们告别,成群结队赶往某个圣地,迎接新生命的到来。而另一边,仙鹤在长空中翱翔,带走一个又一个结束了生命之旅的灵魂,展开下一段充满未知的轮回……
回复 :马尔科姆(沙美克·摩尔 Shameik Moore 饰)是一位决心不走寻常路的高中生,形式高调又异常古怪的他常常会成为众人眼中的怪胎,因此受到欺负和孤立,日子很不好过。对于马尔科姆来说,能够平平安安的度过高中的最后一个学年就是自己最大的心愿。马尔科姆偷偷喜欢着名为纳吉亚(佐伊·克拉维兹 Zoe Kravitz 饰)的美丽姑娘,然而他甚至自己配不上对方,只能将这份感情埋藏在心底。某日,马尔科姆得知纳吉亚将要前往一个毒贩所举办的派对上游玩,于是亦紧随其后,哪知道却在误打误撞之中被卷入了毒品交易的黑暗漩涡中无法自拔,不仅惹上了杀身之祸,还不得不过起了东躲西藏的颠沛生活。
回复 :For her ‘Blond Ambition’ tour in 1990, pop superstar Madonna was looking for performers who knew how to vogue. Out of countless hopefuls, the gay dancers Salim, Kevin, Carlton, José, Luis and Gabriel were chosen along with huphopper Oliver, the only straight guy. The tour was accompanied by a film crew and Madonna cast herself in the role of mother figure of her stage family. The boys soon found fans among homosexual youths who saw them as role models, while the tour came to epitomise Madonna’s commitment to gay liberation and the acknowledgement of AIDS. But the idyll fell apart after the tour. Although the dancers were pivotal to Madonna’s message, they weren't all living it. After failing to persuade Madonna to cut out the kissing scene that would ‘out’ him to his family and friends, Gabriel filed a lawsuit against her. In he Gabriel died of AIDS-related illness, while the others continued to pursue their professional careers. Now, twenty-five years later, the six surviving performers are reunited and long-buried secrets are aired. The filmmakers excel at telling the stories of these very different dancers in order to edge closer to the truth. berlinale 2016