回复 :After the divorce, Lisa was left with two children. Soon she meets a woman who is called her relative and says that their family has a family curse and that Lisa's boys are in mortal danger. Lisa refuses to believe in superstitious fears, but later strange visions begin to visit her, and she realizes that the curse turns out to be real. Now she must save her children from evil ...
回复 :After new CIA recruit, Kelley Chandler (Polish) is seriously injured during a mission, surviving only on life support, his wife Tess (Agron), a former CIA operative, becomes determined to find out what happened to her husband. As the details of Kelley's last mission unravel, showing that his accident was an inside job, Tess puts everything on the line to keep Kelley out of harm's way, even if that comes with dangerous consequences.
回复 :荒廢工廠護衛員肥雪,在看驚悚電影時,虛幻情節突然變成真實!一向酷愛鑽研人類的JEFF,帶著痴心女友BOBO、好色死黨Ronny與他初相識的內地模特大野等一行七人勇闖荒廢多年的神秘小島。旅程中卻不斷遇上神秘人的襲擊,面對著九死一生的情況,遊戲正式揭開序幕。