回复 :Sergeant Mark Quinn is a policeman who is known among his superiors as extremely persistent, unrestrained and merciless against criminals. The reason for this is to be found in his past. When he was a child he was the only one who has escaped a family massacre, and the murderers of his parents were never catched. In the meantime he was raised by a Japanese and teached in the arts of the Ninja. The tough, longstanding training pays off when he meets the killer of his father again… With all weapons and the precise and deadly techniques of the Ninja he takes revenge…
回复 :2023年4月1日是「哥哥」張國榮離世20周年,節目特別剪輯了哥哥在演藝路上的珍貴片段,以紀念這位一代巨星。糖妹聲音導航,引領觀眾重溫哥哥多首金曲,回味他過往於不同類型節目的演出,與汪明荃合演粵劇、夥拍梅艷芳的神級合唱,都成大家「永遠寵愛」的經典時刻。節目還會帶來樂壇與影壇猛人的訪問片段,細說哥哥參加歌唱比賽、躋身電影圈的成名經過。哥哥的獨特氣質與專業演出,以至一言一笑、舉手投足,至今仍令人難忘。
回复 :A young woman is apprehended and held by police when they suspect that she is possessed by a demon.