回复 : 《天浴》是陈冲在1998年执导的一部电影,改编自严歌苓的同名短篇小说。电影以文革为背景,讲述的是知青上山下乡的故事。陈冲表示:“《天浴》的故事讲述的是我们这一代人对‘文革’的狂热,我们的牺牲以及最终的幻灭。
回复 :取材自真人真事的黑帮英雄片。沃伦.贝蒂饰演美国梦的追逐者巴格西席格,他原是叱吒东岸的黑道杀手,在前往西岸洛杉矶开疆拓土之余,他看上了性感的女明星维琴妮亚.希尔,展开一段火药味浓厚的恋情。另一方面,他看上了拉斯维加斯一处牧牛的荒地,决定投入巨资把它建成美酒笙歌的豪华赌场。
回复 :Nack is a 17 year old boy whose life focuses only on studying. Stepping into the last year of high school, he begins to feel lonely and pressured. As graduation and entrance examination grow closer and closer, he begins to learn about sex and love for the first time in his life. He has to face the questions about the morality of his homosexual love. What will he do?