在过度拥挤的西门监狱里,少妇视频暴力和恐惧是基本的游戏准则。并且监狱长比看守和囚犯的首领有较少的力量,。最难对付的的囚犯是坚硬顽固的乔·科林斯。重要的是,少妇视频乔怨恨首要卫兵上尉Munsey, 一位狭隘独裁的拥有绝对权力者。稍微违规违, 乔和他的伙伴们就要受苦了。但有次大屠杀反而成就了他们的逃命计划。
在过度拥挤的西门监狱里,少妇视频暴力和恐惧是基本的游戏准则。并且监狱长比看守和囚犯的首领有较少的力量,。最难对付的的囚犯是坚硬顽固的乔·科林斯。重要的是,少妇视频乔怨恨首要卫兵上尉Munsey, 一位狭隘独裁的拥有绝对权力者。稍微违规违, 乔和他的伙伴们就要受苦了。但有次大屠杀反而成就了他们的逃命计划。
回复 :本片根据Robinne Lee同名小说改编。由《大病》《塔米·菲的眼睛》导演迈克尔·肖沃特执导。40岁的离异母亲苏菲(安妮·海瑟薇饰),她的丈夫出轨年轻姑娘而抛弃了母女俩,也取消了原计划带着女儿去科切拉音乐节之旅。苏菲收拾好心情,整装出发,带着女儿去了科切拉,并见到了女儿最喜欢的乐队——August Moon,而这支乐队是目前全球最火的乐队,主唱海耶斯·坎贝尔(尼古拉斯·加利齐纳饰)聪明、成功、自信、时髦,对女孩子有立竿见影的吸引力。而且只有24岁,而俩人竟然走到了要一起。他们从一系列秘密约会开始,很快就演变成一段真切并且充满激情的关系。这是一次跨越各大洲的旅程,苏菲和海耶斯在彼此的世界里穿梭:从体育场之旅到国际艺术博览会,再到巴黎和迈阿密的僻静之所。对于苏菲来说,这是一场自我恢复,也是一次对幸福和爱情的重新发现。但是,当苏菲和海耶斯的恋情传遍网络,她和她的女儿都成为狂热粉丝和媒体的目标时,苏菲必须直面这个问题:她自己的浪漫关系会如何影响那些她最关心的人的生活?
回复 :主人公A,热爱音乐从工厂辞职,学习创作,他目前已有一百多首原创歌曲,他曾在北京地道卖唱,后因食不裹腹回到家乡徐州,靠路边演出谋生。主人公B,生于台湾,15岁随父家徐州,不久,父亲死去,孤独中,他自学了钢琴,音乐创作,MIDI音乐制作,他门徒众多,其中已有偶像明星。可他 依然住在廉租房中,依然靠倒卖电子垃圾为生,依然免费教育着热爱音乐的人。他们命运多舛,平凡,伟大,穿着破旧的衣服,唱着最动听的歌!
回复 :SUPERCOOL马其顿动作幻想片!sometimes i think it's a shame that movies like this one don't get the exposure that they deserve - that very few people will get to enjoy them... but sometimes, i think that the lack of exposure is what makes movies like this one - if indie was mainstream it wouldn't have been indie, would it?... so, the best thing i could say about "Zbogum na 20 vek" is a that it's a great movie, but it's not for everyone. the story is rather controversial, the level of blood and gore on screen is rather high (it makes the US horror flicks from the '90s look like kindergarten cartoons) and the editing... well, it's so uneven, that it might induce vomiting... however, if you have the stomach to go over these things, chances are that you will love this film, because it is indeed full of heart. if you don't love it, watch it again... once you know what's happening in the movie it will be much easier for you to pick up all the small details that not only make the scenes look cooler, but also deeper (i have a theory that the whole movie could be seen through symbols only, but it's too long to write it down here)... none of my friends liked it at first, but after two or three viewings, they find it at least respectable if not outright brilliant... so, to cut things up, if you can find this movie, see it by all means. 9.5/10