老朱(郎雄)被儿子晓生(王伯昭)从北京接到美国后,不但没享清福,反因与作家儿媳马莎(Deb Snyder)语言不通、在生活习性上有诸多差异,添出许多新愁(老朱对马莎的世界不好奇,马莎虽对老朱的世界好奇,却并不想作深入的理解,而是在好奇过后深深厌恶),倔强的老朱一片灰心(竟然在儿子家里尝到寄人篱下的滋味!),愤然离家出走。一次偶然事件令美国媒体对老朱的太极绝技称奇,晓生和马莎也在看过电视新闻后找到了老朱,但此时的老朱已明白,处境凄凉总好过晚节不保。
老朱(郎雄)被儿子晓生(王伯昭)从北京接到美国后,不但没享清福,反因与作家儿媳马莎(Deb Snyder)语言不通、在生活习性上有诸多差异,添出许多新愁(老朱对马莎的世界不好奇,马莎虽对老朱的世界好奇,却并不想作深入的理解,而是在好奇过后深深厌恶),倔强的老朱一片灰心(竟然在儿子家里尝到寄人篱下的滋味!),愤然离家出走。一次偶然事件令美国媒体对老朱的太极绝技称奇,晓生和马莎也在看过电视新闻后找到了老朱,但此时的老朱已明白,处境凄凉总好过晚节不保。
回复 :一个白西装男人来到了美国南方的一个小镇。他自称是名社会改革家,但他所做的每一件事都是为了挑起事端。
回复 :Married carnival performers are subjected to the abuses of their employer in this silent film gem that has not received as much attention as it deserves. When the boss' unwanted advances on the wife are refused, he taunts a lion until it nearly kills her. But the other performers assist in a unique plot for revenge. Jaque Catelain directs and stars in this film made for influential French director Marcel L'Herbier's production company. Some sources also list L'Herbier as co-director, as he is credited here. The film boasts some rapid-fire editing techniques that were decades ahead of its time.
回复 :这是一部关于一台车和两个人的故事。在这个偶遇新春的浪漫情人节,BMW携手导演辛爽共同创作短片《婚礼》,2月14日全网上映,甜蜜贺岁。