一架载有最新生化武器样本的军用飞机坠毁宾西法尼亚州某小镇附近的山上,春暖破碎的生物样本流入水源。凡饮用过感染水源的人或中毒而死,春暖或狂性大发自残自杀。派科姆上校(Lloyd Hollar 饰)及怀茨医生(Richard France 饰)奉总统之命,分别率领军队和医疗组赶赴小镇,希图控制病毒蔓延。然而病毒扩散极为迅速,小镇已到不可救药的地步。华府作出决定,将用核武器彻底摧毁小镇以及被感染的人群,任何企图逃跑之人格杀勿论。为了生存而战战兢兢的人们,更要面对即将到来的毁灭厄运……
一架载有最新生化武器样本的军用飞机坠毁宾西法尼亚州某小镇附近的山上,春暖破碎的生物样本流入水源。凡饮用过感染水源的人或中毒而死,春暖或狂性大发自残自杀。派科姆上校(Lloyd Hollar 饰)及怀茨医生(Richard France 饰)奉总统之命,分别率领军队和医疗组赶赴小镇,希图控制病毒蔓延。然而病毒扩散极为迅速,小镇已到不可救药的地步。华府作出决定,将用核武器彻底摧毁小镇以及被感染的人群,任何企图逃跑之人格杀勿论。为了生存而战战兢兢的人们,更要面对即将到来的毁灭厄运……
回复 :羽生结弦2023年东蛋公演将于2月26日在日本全国电影院上映。
回复 :While the hot rodders and motorcyclists are having a rock-and-roll beach party, a barrel of radioactive material is unloaded from a passing ship, plunges to the bottom and splits against a jagged rock. A black liquid oozes out and covers a shapeless mass on the ocean floor, which suddenly moves and becomes an encrusted vicious monster. Soon there are several monsters and they must have human blood to survive. Tina is the first victim, and football hero Hank Green and airhead Elaine Gavin enlist the aid of her science-professor father, Dr. Gavin, to solve and capture the killer. Not working fast enough to prevent the attack on twenty teen-agers at a slumber party nor the killing of three girl motorists, Dr. Gavin finds an arm lost by one of the monsters and discovers that only sodium will destroy the monsters whose composition is mostly water. Can they gather enough salt in southern California to put an end to this horror?
回复 : 英国人弗兰克•科顿在北非发现一个神奇的魔方,回到家后,弗兰克通过某种神秘的仪式打开了魔方和另一个世界的通道,魔鬼赛诺贝斯降临人间,弗兰克也为其所杀。在此之后,弗兰克的哥哥莱瑞和妻子朱莉搬到这座房子里。朱莉是莱瑞的新任妻子,她曾背着丈夫和弗兰克有染。 莱瑞搬家具时不慎弄伤右手,血滴到阁楼地板上,偏巧使埋在下面的弗兰克得以复苏。为了使情人恢复本来面貌,朱莉开始想方设法为其奉上活人的血肉……