回复 :In 2017, University of Illinois scholar Yingying Zhang goes missing and a suspect’s girlfriend works with the FBI to go under cover and secretly record a conversation that ultimately cracks the case.
回复 :伊朗与土耳其边境地区,连年战乱及外国入侵导致这里成一片焦土,民不聊生。少年们为了生存竟然捡拾地雷换钱,由于缺少安全防护措施,他们在突如其来的爆炸中失去肢体甚至生命。卫星(Soran Ebrahim 饰)是这里的孩子王,他带领小伙伴们过着动荡的生活,并见证着战争为孩子们的精神和肉体所带来的无法弥补的创伤……本片荣获2005年柏林国际电影节水晶熊特别推荐奖和和平电影奖、2005年Festróia – Tróia国际电影节金鸽奖、2004年罗德岱尔堡国际电影节人道主义奖、2004年伊斯帕罕国际青少年电影节金蝴蝶最佳影片奖、2005年墨西哥城国际当代影展观众大奖和最佳影片奖、2005年鹿特丹国际电影节观众大奖、2005年圣塞巴斯帝安国际电影节最佳影片CEC奖和金贝壳奖、2004年圣保罗国际电影节观众大奖和荣誉奖。
回复 :Her irresistible fatal love, his love is stuck in the trap.Ah-yeon looks sensual in those short tennis outfits she always wears. When Min-seok, a successful prosecutor encounters Ah-yeon in a parking lot of a tennis court, he happens to provide her with help unexpectedly. He later gets contacted by Ah-yeon frequently. Although Min-seok, the married man tries to refuse her excessive hospitality towards him, it’s not easy to refuse those. One day, Min-seok receives a correspondence saying he is accused of bribery and then he realizes he might lose his position as a prosecutor. While his relationship with his wife has become unstable as well, he cannot stop thinking about Ah-yeon. He after all begins the relationship with Ah-yeon he should not have started.