回复 :电影《你好,倾城》主要讲述了一个穷小子和富家千金之间发生的一系列爱情故事,“程皓”许云建、“叶倾城”范奇和“黄俊淇”刘文的强强联合也碰撞出了许多不一样的精彩火花。
回复 :悬疑片《酿魂》发布首条预告,电影由姜大卫、卢瀚霆、朱栢康、陈紫萱、吴肇轩、林耀声、袁澧林主演,预计年内上映。
回复 :As a string of brutal murders plague the city, two undercover detectives race to solve the mystery and unmask the killer. Their only clues: each victim is a former cop and each has a blood-red letter painted on their body. How many will have to die before the killer spells out their message in blood?