暹罗With a feel for 1970s dramas and a dash of Swedish film sweetness, "Leather" tells the story of Birch, a young mountain man living in the Catskills, who reconnects with his childhood friend from the city, Andrew.
暹罗With a feel for 1970s dramas and a dash of Swedish film sweetness, "Leather" tells the story of Birch, a young mountain man living in the Catskills, who reconnects with his childhood friend from the city, Andrew.
回复 :伊亚姆是镇上著名酿酒商的孙女,为了得到奶奶的认可伊亚姆决定去寻找灵感,在旅途中遇到了帅气的席德,两人越走越近,但当伊亚姆决定与席德更进一步时却得知对方似乎也在寻找着什么?
回复 :1965年新西兰,长相平平的女孩海瑟尔•法苏罗(Agnes Bruckner 饰)生长在一个缺少温暖的家庭之中,她因引起森林火灾而被父母送到一所偏远的寄宿学校——费尔伯恩学院就读。这所学校枯燥呆板,院长崔西夫人(Patricia Clarkson 饰)严苛冷酷,同时海瑟尔又和新结识的朋友马茜(Lauren Birkell 饰)经常受到室友萨曼莎(Rachel Nichols 饰)的欺负,这一切的一切,都令海瑟尔想早点逃离这个黑暗之地。偶然见她发现,身边的同学相继人间蒸发,海瑟尔隐隐感觉到,自己将会是下一个……
回复 :A Californian teenager's plan to come out at his Nebraskan family reunion gets derailed when a bloodstain on his young cousin's dress makes him the unwitting suspect of abuse.