回复 :曹青(胡杏儿 饰)和母亲曹闭月(黄淑仪 饰)行走在江湖之中,只为了寻找失散多年的父亲曹大功(顾冠中 饰)。一次偶然中,两人结识了名为计准(吴卓羲 饰)的男子,三人不打不相识,曹青和计准之间更是结下了深厚的友谊。曹青和名叫钱通(罗仲谦 饰)的男子从小就结下了婚约,然而,钱家却并不承认曹青这位准儿媳,在计准的帮助下,曹青最终和钱通成了亲。钱通的贴身丫鬟山楂(岑丽香 饰)的存在让曹青的心里很不是滋味,她试图撮合山楂与计准,以失败告终,不仅如此,曹青亦因此与钱通和计准产生了矛盾。一场意外让计准和山楂之间有了实质性的关系,计准因此决定纳山楂为妾。
回复 :讲述了本来是小姑子和嫂子关系的两个女人,变成儿媳和婆婆关系而发生的一系列故事。
回复 :When the pandemic starts, Dona Isadir doesn't think twice about renting out her apartment in Cachambi, in the North Zone of Rio de Janeiro, so she can be closer to her family. She decides unilaterally and without warning to move into the mansion owned by her son Carlos in Barra da Tijuca, much to the dismay of her daughter-in-law, Alice. Her grandchildren, Jonas and Márcia are caught in the crossfire, while the family's longtime employee, Marinez, has a front-row seat to the fireworks. And we haven't even mentioned the parties and cookouts with old friends from Cachambi, namely Fátima and Cezinha.