透纳Follows Ako, a 16 year old Japanese girl, as she spends time working in a bakery and going out with her friends.
透纳Follows Ako, a 16 year old Japanese girl, as she spends time working in a bakery and going out with her friends.
回复 :A hit man in black struggles into an apartment complex. It turns out that the apartments are hosts to a cornucopia of characters. A couple are about to separate or play baseball. A woman maintains a schedule of screaming in order for the neighbours to ascertain that she is alive. A mother just wants to have fun. A daughter just wants to obtain high marks and then someone walks on the roof looking for a UFO to act as a taxi.
回复 :经过漫长的等待与拖延,BBCiPlayer的原创电影《粉红三角架》即将于北京时间1月18日凌晨05:00在线播映。这是继三十年前鲍勃·吉尔道夫主演的电影《第一名》之后,又一部以斯诺克业界为主题的故事片。区别是:老电影还躺在VHS录像带里,而新片子只能通过iPlayer在线收看。《粉红三角架》以七八十年代的斯诺克热潮为背景,刻画了飓风、戴维斯、怀特等人的成长故事和私人生活,还原了诸如早期克鲁斯堡剧院(世锦赛)以及普雷斯顿市政厅(英锦赛)等经典赛事举办地的原貌。
回复 :在某个大于瓢泼的早晨,女高中生山本由佳里(伊藤万理华 饰)手忙脚乱洗漱准备,偏偏有人在她家门口的名牌上留下了类似“F”的记号。她被妈妈命令擦掉记号,此外还要坐爸爸的车送弟弟去幼儿园,结果错过了与好友松原奈保一同上学的约定。谁知奈保乘坐的巴士遭遇严重车祸,好友在惨烈的事故中不幸身亡。在此之后,由佳里被神秘的符号所困扰,而逝去好友的身影时不时出现在她的面前,又让她的精神几乎崩溃。蹊跷诡异的事件愈演愈烈,本就被黑暗笼罩的山本一家走向破碎边缘,由佳里内心中的秘密也将悄然浮现……本片根据恐怖小说作家铃木光司的短篇作品《F》改编。