回复 :Jude, a college literature professor, falls for one of his students. She is more interested in the empirical experience of a relationship with a man whose life is ruled by the themes of the Russian Lit. he extolls in class. Jude shows an interesting side of the stigmas associated with transgenerational relationships and how to deal with the inevitable pain of a love doomed to failure.
回复 :劇情講述岳飛(游龍飾)在年幼時砍柴輔助家計,岳母教他識字。私塾老師周同賞識岳飛,教育他和傳受武功。岳飛(田鵬飾)參加丙黃縣的武考,並高中武生。岳飛和縣主的女兒李孝娥(韓湘琴飾)結成夫妻,岳飛文武雙全,赴京殿考。小梁王(陳鴻烈飾)陷害岳飛誤殺之罪,而宗則元帥(葛香亭飾)洞察實情,予岳飛將功贖罪的機會,前往剿匪。岳飛和湯懷(吳永威飾)大敗匪賊,立下了功勞……
回复 :信心两次问卜,都说她的丈夫是戴蒙,但戴蒙始终没有出现。但就在她结婚前十天,她的未婚夫却接到中学校友戴蒙的来信,信心知道这个就是她要等的人,于是千里迢迢的飞到意大利寻戴蒙。《休斯顿邮报》一篇影评说“本片是《缘份的天空》以来最好笑与可爱浪漫的喜剧。