午夜An epidemic outbreak of a new rabies virus in Venezuela and a father trying to save his son from contagion.
午夜An epidemic outbreak of a new rabies virus in Venezuela and a father trying to save his son from contagion.
回复 :单亲家庭长大的Jamie(Glen Berry)因为不爱运动,在学校显得很不合群,上学成为他最头疼的事,而随着年龄的增长,他同母亲的交流也有了障碍,尤其在母亲交了个莽撞憨直的男友后,他更不知如何与母亲相处。他的邻居,英俊的小伙子Ste(Scott Neal)与他相比,也好不到哪儿去,Ste时常遭嗜酒如命的父亲和哥哥拳打脚踢。某天,Ste遭家人殴打后又被扫地出门,Jamie的母亲可怜他把他叫到家里同Jamie一起睡,两个少男第一夜虽没共枕,却对彼此生出异样感觉,而随着同床日子的增多,他们渐渐爱上了对方,但是,麻烦也紧接而来。
回复 :World War I is coming to its end. Prisoners of war are coming into the town with Serb Ivo among them. During one of his escapes from the camp, he finds himself in a private garden. There he meets Lisa, the wife of the town-major - a severe and heartless colonel. She is sad, lonely and her meeting with the Serb develops into a deep mutual love. Their meetings become more frequent. But the lovers are doomed. The war prisoners are moved away and as Ivo comes to bid her farewell, he is shot to death. Written by Georgi Djulgerov {major@bitex.com}
回复 :故事发生在上世纪七十年代,寄人篱下的少女何小萍(苗苗 饰)经过重重试炼终于加入了梦寐以求的文工团,哪知道这里和她曾经待过的那些地方并无不同,她依然得忍受遭人唾弃和欺侮的生活。唯一给过她温暖的,是刘峰(黄轩 饰),不仅仅是对何小萍,被称为“活雷锋”的刘峰把自己的爱情和温暖无私的奉献给每一个人。实际上,刘峰一直爱慕着美丽活泼的林丁丁(杨采钰 饰),当他选择将这份感情勇敢的表达出来时,却让自己的人生走向了完全不同的方向。战争开始了,刘峰、何小萍和萧穗子前赴后继的走上了前线,在枪弹和炮火之中,每一个人都在用生命和热血绽放着属于他们的芳华。