回复 :美丽的法国女人安娜(Sandrine Bonnaire姗黛莲•波奈尔 饰)前去会见心理医生,但她错误地走进了会计师威廉(Fabrice Luchini 法布莱斯•鲁奇尼 饰)的办公室。未等威廉开口,安娜便自顾自地倾诉自己婚姻生活中的麻烦和秘密。威廉为他的叙述所吸引,认真倾听下去,并约好下次会面的时间。但这个误会很快被拆传,安娜愤而离去,不久再次返回。所不同的是,两人改变了交流的方式,威廉坐在门的后面倾听另一侧安娜的心声。随着交往的深入,威廉的疑惑却也渐渐加深……
回复 :当Paul Pena终于见到Kongar-ol Ondar时,距离他在收音机里听到Kongar-ol Ondar歌声那一刻已经过去了11年。他们来自两个截然不同的文化背景——非裔美国人文化和中亚游牧民族文化,这样的两个人,跨越了漫长的文化距离和时空距离,留下Ginghis Blues这段传奇故事。Paul Pena已经在2005年10月2日因胰腺癌去世。Kongar-ol Ondar目前大多数时间在美国生活和演出。
回复 :This is an interesting yet bizarre little tale of a fictional (as far as I know, anyway) experiment performed during the Stalin-controlled years in the USSR. The main character is changed from a woman into a man. This is part of a larger plan to change more women into men and have a stronger work-force/army, etc. It's a very in-depth character study of the main character, who tries to fit into a world that she (now 'he') doesn't really understand, especially since she's now a man ... Stalin dislikes the results of the experiments and has the scientist killed. The main character then goes off to live a life as a simple, unknown everyday Soviet, but is inexplicably drawn into larger and larger schemes (somewhat reminiscent of "Forrest Gump" in that way). (s)He has run-ins with different important characters, including his ex-boyfriend from his days of being a woman, as well as going on a demented quest for the nurse with whom he possibly fell in love after the operation... However, he is trapped in his life as an important Soviet married man, and in the end makes a huge sacrifice for his country (unwillingly), and the movie goes from there to an ending that is possibly happy, yet still somehow incredibly depressing.