回复 :影片以70年代唐山大地震为背景,以诗意的镜头语言讲述了一个动人凄美的爱情故事:返城小伙子王小土(李滨饰)爱上了美丽的小镇教师欧海恋(于非非饰),而这段恋情却遭遇了欧海恋父亲的反对,一次“偷表”事件令王小土身陷囹圄,两个年轻人的爱情也面临着巨大的考验。2年后,小土和海恋的爱情依然艰难,然而他们却不知道,一场毁灭性的地震灾害将带来永生难忘的伤痛......
回复 :传说中白鹿庇佑的白鹿原上,世代居住着同根家族白、鹿两姓子孙。时代变迁,清朝覆灭,民国建立。现任族长白嘉轩(张丰毅 饰)之子白孝文(成泰燊 饰)、乡约鹿子霖(吴刚 饰)之子鹿兆鹏(郭涛 饰)与白家长工鹿三之子黑娃(段奕宏 饰)情同手足,成年后各赴前程。黑娃与渭北郭举人家的小女人田小娥(张雨绮 饰)私通败露,田小娥亦被族长拒于祠堂之外,两人遂迁至慢坡窑洞内度日。加入共产党的鹿兆鹏从城里带回革命浪潮,黑娃成为中坚力量,国共分裂后兄弟俩被迫逃亡。鹿子霖乘机霸占独自留守的田小娥,并设计利用她陷害下任族长白孝文,引发族内轩然大波……风云变幻的时局下,素有“仁义”之名的白鹿村内纷争不断,古老的土地面临着翻天覆地的变化。本片改编自陈忠实先生第四届茅盾文学奖作品《白鹿原》。原著时间跨度长达半个世纪,影片截取其中1912年到1938年间的动荡变迁,原生态的秦腔演绎与苍茫的麦田取景令人沉醉。
回复 :They do not show war in this film, they show people and their dreams and hopes ruined by the war. It is not just another "war film", but it rises to the level of a true Tragedy. Not a propagandist or a sob story. Many critics compare this film to another famous Russian war drama, The Cranes Are Flying. I still think that The House I Live in is better, though, if you've seen The Cranes and liked it, most probably you'll love this one either. Both films were shot in 1957 and treat the war theme from the similar humane perspective. I wouldn't cut a single shot from the film, all of them are just in place. I do not know if it can be found outside Russia, if yes, don't miss it.Many critics pointed out resemblances between Dom, V Kotorom Ya Zhivu (The House I Live In) and the better-known Soviet film The Cranes are Flying. Set in the years prior to and during WWII, the story centers on the various residents of a co-op house. Though the directors never show the war itself, its tragic impact is felt throughout the film. And despite the potential for Soviet propaganda, what sticks in the mind is the universality of the experiences endured by the leading characters. Dom, V Kotorom Ya Zhivu was one of Russian's entries in the 1958 Brussels Film Festival.