回复 :入围塔林电影节影评人之选竞赛。Masterfully orchestrated – with only a small budget, the setting basically consisting of a table, two chairs, two persons talking, one mysterious manuscript and some little food in-between – this two-men drama reminds me of Robert Bresson’s famous words about filmmaking: “Two types of films: those that employ the resources of the theatre (actors, direction, etc.) and use the camera in order to reproduce, and those that employ the resources of cinematography and use the camera to create. (Robert Bresson. “Notes on the Cinematograph”, New York Review of Books, 2016)
回复 :美丽的戏子潮来,她和青梅竹马的师兄陈继信、霸占了刘家的恶霸刘宗绪以及后来出现的富家弟子廖青云之间,演绎了一场曲折离奇、惊心动魄、柔肠寸断的情爱、人生悲剧,其间“堕民”的身份如罪恶的幽灵一般摧残了人生、改变着命运……故事发生在民国20年代,浙东地区的堕民村落——白果村。村姑绿环子美貌手巧,她爱慕悄然脱离了堕民身份、在外面戏班子吹箫谋生的惠昌,致使惠昌堕民身世暴露、饱受黑心老板摧残;但两人终于结合,在丈夫非常不愿意留下堕民“孽种”的情况下,绿环子生下一个女娃子。大户人家刘老爷的儿子偏瘫不育,女娃子辗转被刘家抱养。刘老爷的侄子刘宗绪觊觎刘家财产,他利用刘老爷的堂妹年刘氏之子讨命郎为父报仇——杀死刘老爷父子,霸占了刘氏家业和一直与他偷情的少奶奶。讨命郎误把幼小的潮来当作刘家的后代抢走,以为女儿罹难的惠昌绝望自杀。讨命郎隐姓埋名来到县城,与继信一家相识,相...
回复 :A small town cop has settled into a peaceful existence. He is reunited with a good friend from Canada’s security agency and told to be on the lookout for Russians that have disappeared in his County. The Russians are a group of cyber-terrorists that have infiltrated and are attempting to disrupt the Canadian election. Colt Hanson – with the help of his small force of peace officers, must do everything he can to find the Russians and bring back order to his small town.