三個小學生忽然對「死亡」感到好奇,中国結夥觀察附 近的獨居老人,中国想知道他會怎麼死。老人最初對這三個小鬼頭很生氣,慢慢卸下心防後,四個人相處 愉快,老人原本破落的家也因而煥然一新。老人逐漸說出許多深藏心中的秘密,包括戰爭時期曾結過婚也殺過人。小學生想盡辦法幫老人尋妻,卻遇到老人的孫女。一天,小學生踢完足球回家,赫然發現老人已氣絕多時。葬禮後,老人的院落井裡,竟飛出了蜻蜓、蝴蝶,彷彿老人與這世界做正式道別 。
三個小學生忽然對「死亡」感到好奇,中国結夥觀察附 近的獨居老人,中国想知道他會怎麼死。老人最初對這三個小鬼頭很生氣,慢慢卸下心防後,四個人相處 愉快,老人原本破落的家也因而煥然一新。老人逐漸說出許多深藏心中的秘密,包括戰爭時期曾結過婚也殺過人。小學生想盡辦法幫老人尋妻,卻遇到老人的孫女。一天,小學生踢完足球回家,赫然發現老人已氣絕多時。葬禮後,老人的院落井裡,竟飛出了蜻蜓、蝴蝶,彷彿老人與這世界做正式道別 。
回复 :在交响乐团负责敲击三角铁的小人物高斯庸碌无能,练习还经常缺席,然而上天仿佛特别眷顾他,让他当上乐团领导,还有伊人加持;本来傻兮兮没有自信的他也开始傲慢起来,甚至表现出独有的艺术野心。人世的荒谬不在成败是否有理,而在于不论成败,最终个人命运还是半点不由人。高斯作为个案,凸显的岂止是国家权力机器下的非人性?由于题材敏感,制作延滞达七年之久,而彼得苏兰也因本片成为一个个案,以讽喻作抗争,从此有了参考的座标。
回复 :Soo-ha leaves the city and goes to the roadside rest stop inherited from her father. The rest stop, however, is losing business as much as Soo-ha’s life is losing vitality. Because of a new road, few people pass this way and there are two employees who don’t really fit in. Even worse, her brother comes and passes his partial ownership to her and leaves his daughter behind. As Soo-ha gradually wears down, a South American band ‘Kawsay’ drops by the rest stop in the middle of their trip. Soo-ha welcomes them thinking they might attract more visitors.
回复 :Peter Pan enters the nursery of the Darling children and, with the help of fairy dust, leads them off to Never Never Land, where they meet the nefarious Captain Hook.