回复 :Based on a 1924 mystery novel by Agatha Christie, The Man in the Brown Suit was the eighth of Warner Bros. Television's Christie-inspired TV movies. Stephanie Zimbalist stars as an American tourist in Cairo (with Spain standing in for Egypt). She runs across a mysterious murder, and an odd encounter with a stranger; all this occurs even before she sets foot on a luxury liner with an all-suspect passenger manifest. It is established that the murderer, who is after a cache of valuable diamonds, is an internationally notorious criminal--but which one of the passengers is he (or she)? Maybe the villain romantic lead Simon Dutton, the "man in the brown suit" of the title...but don't discount such special guest suspects as Rue McClanahan and Tony Randall.
回复 :两年的爆发之后,病人在土地和剩余的幸存者挣扎着试图重建文明的日常。病人更活跃的在晚上的时间,三人需要在一个空荡荡的家里寻求庇护,但在世界末日后的世界里,供应是稀缺的,他们如果有人能活下来是幸运的。
回复 :故事發生在1863年,由威廉(亨利湯馬士飾)為首領的一群亡命之徒打劫阿拉巴馬州的一間小鎮銀行。為了逃避士兵追捕,他們躲進一個人跡罕至的農莊,打算逗留一晚後前往墨西哥分?#092;;但是,原來農莊曾經發生駭人血案,一股詭異的力量令眾人無法逃出農莊,想逃走的人只有死路一條……