回复 :Following the success of their feature debut Jennifer’s Shadow (2004) – an exercise in American Gothic set in a scary land called Argentina – Pablo Parés and Daniel de la Vega worked for a US company on a post-mega-disaster wasteland zombie film in which South America had been turned into an all-purpose, all-materials junkyard, with the undead as the last humane entities around (forget about the humans here!).The project never materialised, but Diego Parés, Pablo’s brother, started to write and draw a comic series based on the screenplay – which so far remains a ruin, as only parts were finished and published. The ECish beauty and balls of Diego P.’s labour of love have now been congenially transformed by the directorial duo into a delightfully old-(1970s)school low-budget production, closer to Romero and Dante than Fulci and Lenzi. And the IFFR audience is in for the treat of treats: they get to see the film and can also enjoy the unfinished comic in an exhibition.
回复 :《赤眼妖姬》以“爱”为主题,题材创作上力求创新、突破。主要讲述了曾在刀光剑影、血雨腥风的江湖之中谋求生存的女刺客玉如英,在知晓自己怀有身孕后,一心想要退隐江湖,过普通村妇生活。但好景不长,燕回阁悄然逼近,屠村杀戮,让玉如英再次陷入人间地狱,险些丧命。当她被空寂大师救醒后,只有一个念头,便是为自己的孩子复仇。就此,一场因母爱而开始的复仇大幕拉开。
回复 :剧情讲述了一位深入墨西哥无人之境,寻找她失踪丈夫的故事,他聘请的其中一名成员的扮演者就是著名的“小钱尼”,但是他却有着自己的目的,寻找镭元素,而小钱尼成功的演绎了这个不可琢磨和难以预料的角色。由于这块土地受到了很强的核辐射,一切的生物都有此变得非常巨大,但是这些怪兽的身体有时候会变透明,接着,这群人来到了大名鼎鼎的“布朗森洞穴”,她找到了她的丈夫,但是他已经变异成为了“独眼巨人。