回复 :该节目将会是一档“历史综艺节目”,将召集中国、韩国、日本的代表,一同探讨三国历史问题,中日韩在历史、文化和地理上都很接近,三国代表预计也会为了找寻历史的真相展开一番唇枪舌剑。节目中将邀请到韩国历史届的新星沈勇焕(明星作家、讲师)、来往于中韩两国、曾因《非首脑会谈》而红的中国小哥张玉安以及“韩剧中的日本角色专业户”武田裕光,就三国历史问题展开激烈的攻防。据悉首期节目录制就已经紧张感爆棚,而制作团队也表示“瞄准中日韩三国争议点的综艺此次是第一次”,“由于太过敏感,对此我们也不无担心,但相反地,我们觉得这是一个机会,能够让大众了解到那些被错误认知的三国的历史,也希望能借此来促进三国的和平”。
回复 :
回复 :Neil Oliver tells the epic story of how Britain and its people came to be over thousands of years of ancient history - the beginnings of our world forged in ice, stone, and bronzeA History Of Ancient Britain will turn the spotlight onto the very beginning of Britain’s story. From the last retreat of the glaciers 12,000 years ago, until the departure of the Roman Empire in the Fifth Century AD this epic series will reveal how and why these islands and nations of ours developed as they did and why we have become the people we are today. The first series transmits in early 2011 and there will be a following series in 2012.第二季将于明年制作播出……