回复 :一部愤怒的公牛的前传和续集的集合体,描写了愤怒前和愤怒后的中量级拳王Jake La Motta跌宕起伏的一生。
回复 :故事改编自真实事件,讲述1999年,一个名叫JT LeRoy的变性男子以作家身份走红,后被揭发此人的形象其实是捏造出来的:所谓他写的书,其实是一个叫Laura Albert(邓恩饰演)的女人写的,而他出现在公众面前的形象,是一个叫Savannah Knoop的女人(斯图尔特饰演)扮演的。
回复 :Voice 1 (male "professional announcer" type): This neighborhood(1) was made for the wretched dignity of the petty bourgeoisie, for respectable occupations and intellectual tourism. The sedentary population of the upper floors was sheltered from the influences of the street. This neighborhood has remained the same. It was the strange setting of our story, where a systematic questioning of all the diversions and works of a society, a total critique of its idea of happiness, was expressed in acts.These people also scorned "subjective profundity". They were interested in nothing but an adequate and concrete expression of themselves.