回复 :Every summer, teenage girls from across Missouri spend a week building a government from the ground up. Coming from different ends of the political and socioeconomic spectrum, they all share a passion for reimagining the future of America. The filmmakers behind Boys State (T/F 2020) return to the world of teen politics to capture the 2022 program – the first time in history that Girls State and Boys State take place simultaneously on the same campus. With rumors of Roe v. Wade being overturned in the real world, the stakes feel higher than ever for these ambitious and dedicated young women. As the days unfold and rumblings from the Boys program make their way across campus, discontent begins to emerge over the disparities between the two. An exhilarating portrait of our political landscape and the pivotal issue of gender equality.
回复 :1938年,在抗日的战火硝烟中,在冀东西部边缘潮白地区的牛山镇,不经意中,显现了御笔手抄《道德经》。于是,日军、假抗日为名的游杂武装,散兵游勇、土匪和民间多年来窥探其密,卧薪尝胆想发财的人,蜂拥而至,展开了明争暗斗……日军派出了最为精锐的金牌特工——“毒蛇”,国民党出动了隐藏在我军内部最深的特务,而我军选派优秀的基层指挥员林峰,巧妙地打入到敌人内部,依靠群众,大智大勇,与之周旋。一时间,护宝之旅险象环生。贯穿全剧的宝藏秘密原来是个大圈套;当林峰从藏宝洞的大爆炸逃生出来后,在洞口与后赶到的“毒蛇”、国民党特务等人又是一场恶战……
回复 :本剧讲述了19岁、29岁、39岁的三姐妹,在迎来“年龄大关”之前的最后一年,也就是“9界线”中,以父亲突然失踪为契机,聚在了同一屋檐下的人间爱故事,以“LOVE (爱)”、“LIFE (生活)”、“LIMIT (限度)”的“3L”为主题,描写了她们抱着迷惘和焦虑寻找幸福,一边挣扎一边前进的人生姿态。