地儿Madeleine steals a string of pearls in Paris and uses US engineer Tom, who is driving on his vacation to spain, to get the pearls out of France, but getting the pearls, back from him prooves to be difficult without falling in love.
地儿Madeleine steals a string of pearls in Paris and uses US engineer Tom, who is driving on his vacation to spain, to get the pearls out of France, but getting the pearls, back from him prooves to be difficult without falling in love.
回复 :本片讲述了年轻作家郑伟因想找到创作灵感搬到了朋友阿文的公寓中,希望能写出新鲜东西来交差。谁知一大早遇到了被阿文抛弃的女孩艾心来找阿文,并死活不肯走,一定要等到阿文回来,郑伟没辙只好让她住进来。两个生活习惯完全不一样的人住在一起由此闹出了让人气又让人笑的事情来……最后发展到也离不开谁、令人羡慕的一对恋人。
回复 :中年男子山下拓郎(役所广司)在亲眼目睹了妻子与人偷情的场面后,于愤怒中刺死了妻子,锒铛入狱,八年后,获假释出狱的他在千叶县利根河边开了家小理发店,因为当年的遭遇,他对人很难再信任,平时唯有的交流对象是所养的鳗鱼。山下无意间救下自杀的桂子(清水美砂)后,后者为了报答他留在理发店里工作,并因性格开朗为他招来很多客人,而他的性格亦渐渐阳光起来。山下的前狱友高崎出狱后,来到利根河附近从事垃圾回收的工作,为将山下的平静生活打乱,他开始不断地揭露山下的“丑行”,而桂子的原情人堂岛也于此时寻来,要带桂子和她的钱走,虽然深知一旦与人发生冲突就必须回到狱中继续服刑,山下还是为了保护桂子勇敢地采取了行动。
回复 :A man recently released from a mental institute inherits a mansion after his parents die. After a series of disturbing events, he comes to believe it is haunted.