回复 :TV动画《美男高校地球防卫部LOVE》第二期制作决定!
回复 :As the team checks on possible alien activity, they're stopped by a Plumber Magister who accuses them of impersonating Plumbers and orders them not to fight any more aliens until the situation can be sorted out... in a few months. Meanwhile, Darkstar emerges, a new villain who allies himself with the DNAliens to go after Ben and the others.
回复 :万物有灵。能够召唤万物之灵的人,被称为召唤师。召唤泥土,召唤枯骨,召唤灵魂,召唤星辰…自古以来,召唤师的传说深藏在每一段历史当中,但终究还是被时间封印,被世人遗忘。新的时代,少年觉醒!立志成为拉面王的阿杰无意中召唤出了女神朵拉,从此走入召唤师的世界。一路上,他集结了稀奇古怪的同伴,合力对抗神秘的“毁灭者”组织。在一次次的战斗和冒险之中,少年们能否掌握自己的命运,发掘出世界的真相?