回复 :拉扎罗(阿德里亚诺·塔尔迪奥洛 饰)是一位内心单纯的年轻农民,坦克雷迪(卢卡·奇科瓦尼 饰)则是一位骄横的年轻贵族。他在Inviolata这座与世隔绝的小城内生活,这个城镇则由侯爵夫人阿诺西纳·德·卢娜(尼可莱塔·布拉斯基 饰)所统治。年轻的农民和年轻的贵族相遇并成为好友。某天,坦克雷迪自导自演了一场绑架戏码,希望骗到母亲的赎金,不料最终引来了警察……
回复 :阿英(毛舜筠 饰)和阿烨(毛舜筠 饰)是情同手足的姐妹,却因为父母婚姻的破裂而被迫分离。阿烨跟随母亲来到日本,接受了良好的教育,出落成亭亭玉立的千金小姐。而阿英则跟着嗜赌成性的父亲生活,父亲最终因为欠下巨额赌债无法偿还而选择了自杀,阿英为谋生计流落到红灯区成为了应召女郎。一晃眼多年过去,为了寻找阿英,阿烨和丈夫结伴返回香港,哪知道阿英因为成为了一场凶杀案的目击者而遭到了凶手的追杀,最终被逼自杀。为了找到杀死妹妹的凶手,阿烨决定假扮阿英引蛇出洞,哪知道这一举动将她自己置于了阴谋旋涡的中心。
回复 :Night Falls in India tells the story of Ricardo (Juan Diego) and Dana (Clara Voda). Ricardo decides to travel overland to India, as he used to do in the old days, when he brought hippies to the East with his van, crossing Europe, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan. But the situation is very different now. Ricardo has been in a wheelchair for the last ten years, suffering from a degenerative disease now in its final stage. He wants to die on the banks of the Ganges River and meet Gadhali again. In this journey, he is accompanied by Dana, his Rumanian housekeeper. Life owes something to these two lonely beings. The journey will become the alibi for paying it off. Night Falls in India is a shining road-movie full of life that uses journey as an excuse to tell a story about love and the passing of time, about the importance of the present and the need to recover lost time; a story in which the journey itself is as important as the arrival.