魔动A stand-up show that touches on topics such as artificial intelligence, political correctness, family weddings, funerals, and the end of humanity.
魔动A stand-up show that touches on topics such as artificial intelligence, political correctness, family weddings, funerals, and the end of humanity.
回复 :
回复 :又叫做《巴黎颓废》,根据真实故事改编。鑫(王欣)和Chloe(Marie Février),是巴黎非常顶级的情色模特儿,以及巴黎的派对女孩。鑫和Chloe是性感年轻和奋发进取的。她们进入富有吸引魅力和快速发展的冒险世界。但是这种环境后面,卻隐藏着受到严重剥削和虐待。为了生存,她們堕入越插越深的超色情、毒品和卖淫的深渊。而Chloe滑落鱼自我毁灭的麻醉药品和女同性恋的处境。鑫被老板帕崔克强暴,又拒绝他的强爱而离开模特儿界,但为了医治祖母的病,就是杀人出卖肉体,做淫秽下贱工作也在所不惜,来维持她家人的经济来源。鑫就被称为来自中国的「上海丽人」。
回复 :A man becomes obsessed with facts and events that have been collectively misremembered by thousands of people. Believing the phenomena to be the symptom of something larger, his obsession eventually leads him to question reality itself.