回复 :Doug Baily's father is weird, but a strange machine in the garage now makes him invisible too. Its a roller coaster ride of fun and hijinks as Doug tries to turn his invisible dad back to normal again
回复 :Doctor X (1932) is a First National/Warner Bros. horror and mystery film. Based on the play originally titled The Terror (New York, February 9, 1931) by Howard W. Comstock and Allen C. Miller,[1] it was directed by Michael Curtiz and stars Lee Tracy, Fay Wray, and Lionel Atwill.The film was produced before the Motion Picture Production Code was enforced. Themes such as murder, rape, cannibalism and prostitution are interwoven into the story. The film was one of the last films made, along with Warners' Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933), in the two-color Technicolor process. Black and white prints were shipped to small towns and to foreign markets, while color prints were reserved for major cities.PS. The Return of Doctor X (1939) link: http://movie.douban.com/subject/1863260/
回复 :《Cloud Atlas》是大卫.米切尔的第三部小说。这本书由六段故事构成,从1840年一位美国人从悉尼旅行到旧金山的日记、二十世纪三十年代初居住在比利时的年轻作曲家、1975年卷入加利福尼亚灾难的年轻记者、当今伦敦出版回忆录的黑道、1984年韩国发生的故事与一个老人叙 述当时在夏威夷的青春自语为终结。 《Cloud Atlas》入围2004年布克奖(Man Booker Prize)