天天Like Father. Like Son. Like No Other. "Sr." is a lovingly irreverent portrait of the life and career of maverick filmmaker Robert Downey Sr. that quickly devolves into a meditation on art, mortality, and healing generational dysfunction.
天天Like Father. Like Son. Like No Other. "Sr." is a lovingly irreverent portrait of the life and career of maverick filmmaker Robert Downey Sr. that quickly devolves into a meditation on art, mortality, and healing generational dysfunction.
回复 :一支由20位登山专家组成的尼泊尔探险队出发前往圣母峰的「死亡地带」,为的是清除超过海拔8000公尺的世界最高垃圾堆,恢复这座神圣山峰的风采和消除1.3亿人赖以生存的水源污染。「死亡地带」名称的由来是因为该区氧气极为稀薄、气温极低而且地形险恶。虽然陆续有清理行动,一点一滴的将垃圾带下山,但从没有人敢夸口说真的解决了「死亡地带」的污染问题,在那里有150具遇难的登山者尸体和超过100,000磅垃圾。这次登山队再次攀登到了最高峰,并记录下了一场生与死的旅程。
回复 :Leopold Kroner, formerly of Colby Enterprises, is released after five years in prison for embezzlement. Andrew Colby, claiming that Kroner has threatened him, hires lawyer Bob Regan as a secret bodyguard. Sure enough, Kroner turns up in Colby's room with a gun, and Regan kills him. Then Regan, who sticks around to romance Colby's secretary Noel, begins to suspect he's been used.
回复 :故事描述一群朋友虐待林·沙烨饰演的角色,怀疑她是女巫。当林·沙烨饰演的角色死亡后,她的老公(托宾·贝尔 TobinBell 饰)强迫这群人打电话给他已过世的老婆。他们播打电话,而且电话另一头有人接起,一场青少年的恶作剧迅速转变成一场可怕的恶梦。这四名好朋友陷入了地狱通话的世界。