秘密A desperate young man possessing special powers clashes with a militarized police force after committing a petty crime.
秘密A desperate young man possessing special powers clashes with a militarized police force after committing a petty crime.
回复 :A rich woman, Raffaella, and some friends rent a yacht to sail the Mediterranean Sea during summer. The sailor, Gennarino, who is a communist, does not like this woman but has to bear with her bad mood. One day she wakes up late in the afternoon and asks to be taken to land where everyone had gone earlier. Gennarino sets up a boat but during the trip, the boat breaks down. They spend the night in the middle of the sea.
回复 :时为2013年,世界各地突然被死神的阴影所笼罩。凡是身处开放空间的人类,无一例外将丧失宝贵生命。外表俊朗的马克(奎姆·古铁雷兹 Quim Gutiérrez 饰)是一条生活在巴塞罗那的苦闷程序狗,上司埃里克(José Coronado 饰)不近人情的苛刻要求压得他早已喘不过气来,而与美丽女友朱莉娅(玛塔·埃图 娜 Marta Etura 饰)的关系似乎也进入了瓶颈期。灾难降临后,马克和其他人被困在某栋建筑物内长达三个月。担心女友的安全,他决定铤而走险离开这个绝地。马克与持有GPS的埃里克携手,穿越重重危险向外行进。繁华的大都市,人们却早已习惯自我囚禁在隔绝的空间内,而宁愿丧失与他人交流的能力。幡然醒悟,为时已晚……
回复 :抗日时期,日本为与意大利增进盟友关系,预从中国的青木川盗取四只有"东方活宝石"之称的世界珍惜动物朱鹮赠予墨索里尼,并为此派遣特工进入青木川实施"宝石计划"。而在青木川有一支规模较大的土匪首领叫郑草狗,郑草狗虽名为土匪,但实际上却更像是青木川的父母官,把青木川治理的非常繁荣,受到了百姓的尊崇。在得知日本企图盗取朱鹮后,异常气愤,喊出:我郑草狗也是抗日的硬骨头!随即调动大量人手、展开行动与日本特工进行斗志斗勇。并最终致使特工盗窃朱鹮行动失败,逼迫日本宣布"宝石计划"破产……