回复 :
回复 :陈村总(甄子丹 饰)之父是为人悭吝的盐商,因村总在村中读书,颇得父亲偏爱,不好命的大哥油饼则只能在父亲的盐场做苦工,但村总仍视大哥为至亲,不时帮忙做工。村总身手矫健,为人乐出风头,在学校将一富户家的公子哥惩治,公子哥埋伏村总却又被打至重伤。富户大怒,雇请哑杀手铁无情杀害村总一家。铁无情在村总外出时杀死其父兄。村总无家可归,流落江湖偶遇太极功夫在身的布袋戏艺人(袁祥仁 饰),并被其强迫做了夫妻俩家中的苦工,艺人妻子胖梅(沈殿霞 饰)同样是一位功夫高手,村总在二人家中做工,终于不堪劳累出走。铁无情追杀村总,村总不敌只得逃回布袋艺人家,自此村总苦学太极,矢志为父兄报仇……
回复 :Judas, a seasoned thief, finds himself in the market square where Christ is giving a sermon and his apostles are collecting alms. He follows them and steals their money, only to be caught red-handed. Nevertheless, the Teacher forgives him. What is more, He invites the thief to become one of His followers and offers him a position as the group’s treasurer. Shocked by Christ’s unexpected offer, Judas decides to join the apostles, if only to figure out what is going on. He gradually starts to comprehend Christ’s message, but feels that the apostles are blindly following their teacher. Judas argues with them, and tries to defend his right to divine the truth of God. But when he fails to make them understand, he realizes that Christ’s teachings may sink into oblivion without benefiting humanity. His solution is to betray Christ. “By killing a man, have I not saved a God?”