余娜除了管理一个附带妓院的流行夜总会外,可乐她还为几个犯罪组织和情报局工作。在一次严刑拷打后,可乐余娜变成了性冷感,她试图注射药物入下体来恢复性欲。她憎恨男人,对于落入她手里的政客, 间谍或其他人,她和她的女同性恋性奴隶都毫不留情地对待。
余娜除了管理一个附带妓院的流行夜总会外,可乐她还为几个犯罪组织和情报局工作。在一次严刑拷打后,可乐余娜变成了性冷感,她试图注射药物入下体来恢复性欲。她憎恨男人,对于落入她手里的政客, 间谍或其他人,她和她的女同性恋性奴隶都毫不留情地对待。
回复 :Yi-jung is in her late twenties and still lives with her mother. Having raised her daughter alone, Su-kyung is now ready to start a new life with her fiancé and leave the past behind. Not so Yi-jung, who from an early age has all too often had to serve as an outlet for her irascible mother’s frustrations. The many years of disregard have left her with a crippling mixture of suppressed feelings towards her mother from whom she simply cannot break free. When an argument between the two escalates in a supermarket car park, Su-kyung hits her daughter with her car. Just an accident, the mother claims. Malicious intent, Yi-jung retorts. This rebellion marks the beginning of an arduous process for both women to cut the cord.
回复 :一群居住在纽约的纽约客,她们是好友,她们的生活点点滴滴都互相影响着她们自己。
回复 :日本战国时期、女忍者紫雨受命刺杀德川家长壁殿下失败、反被武士红蜥蜴俘获、红蜥蜴意欲QJ紫雨却中了毒、紫雨趁机逃走。但重伤昏迷在深林中、被避难所女仆阿佐所救、得到避难所女住持同意后在此居住养伤。一日紫雨与阿佐进山打柴、被红蜥蜴发现、紫雨带着阿佐再次逃脱。而踪迹暴露的紫雨为了不牵连避难所心生去意,却在离开时无意中发现避难所住持与一和尚的JQ,从而得知避难所的秘密,原来此避难所实际上是一个奴隶买卖场。紫雨也因此被俘、接受性丄【放河蟹】奴调丄教、将在奴隶市场上被卖出。待到交易日,紫雨与阿佐在现场表演了一场二人秀之后被长壁殿下买到、而紫雨使用变身术将一块木头变成自己、趁机刺杀长壁殿下、在击败武士红蜥蜴之后、追杀长壁、而阿佐也因保护紫雨而被长壁杀死。最终紫雨杀死长壁殿下、离开了这个地方。