回复 :6 out of 7 people found the following comment useful.A brilliant and outragously funny satire of society, 7 December 1999Author: Dave Joerg (joerd000@mail.zdv.uni-mainz.de)"Flodder" is one of the funniest movies ever made and few people realise that it is a Dutch movie made by none other than the Holland version of John Carpenter, the famous Dick Maas, author and director of the thriller "Amsterdamned". The Flodder family is the reincarnation of the term a-social. When the whole family bunch, basically all bastards, criminals and sluts must be relocated from their City slum because of toxic waste under their house, the city council house no choice. The only available space is in the "Zoendal" - the "Sun Valley" the best area in Amsterdam where all doctors, snobs and businessmen can afford to live their lives. And where the central point of interest and politics is the tennis club of the community. The Flodder family brings devastation to the tranquil world that ruled before. They are simply unbelievable. The characterisation is incredibly funny, beginning with Ma Flodder who searches other people's trash cans for food or making illegal liquor in her cellar and ending with the eldest daughter who is the biggest slut on earth. Together they make the most horrible family imaginable, a sort of immoral mirror image to the Brady Bunch or the Waltons. When the City counsel of Amsterdam hoped that the Flodders would show their good will to be more civilised in their new area, it turns out that Holland's most famous family would rather bring out the worst in the rich people of "Sun Valley"-wonderland. The rest is a hilarious, brilliant and well made social satire that can be watched as a provocative movie as well as a straightforward comedy. Dick Maas at his best. I salute him! Flooder was the Dutch smash hit in 1986 and brought two sequels and a tv series. All of the sequels were nice but not as great as the original.Flodders (1986) is available on DVD in Germany in a dubbed German version in Dolby Digital 5.1. under the name:"Flodders -Eine Familie zum knutschen"Why is First Floor Features, the producer of the movie not bringing the Dick Maas blockbusters out on DVD in the Netherlands, I wonder. The are not even available on video there. These movies have so much potential, still to this day and have a huge silent but true following.
回复 :在1990年的《1999年班》的续集里,未来仍然是一个暴力的大都市,在这里,帮派统治着走廊,而像教育和高等教育这样的主题仅仅是一种记忆。Jenna McKensie是一名年轻的高中教师,她见证了她的一名学生被歹徒杀害。詹娜想要作证,但桑德斯和他的团队用恐吓和恐惧来阻止詹娜与当局对话,这让她的男友埃米特非常难过,她想让桑德斯和他的同伙出局。尽管詹娜拒绝被吓倒,但她开始思考,她的行为是否会改善她所在的正在衰落的高中的生活。约翰·博伦是一位面无表情的代课老师,他不会像他的同事一样,忍受着像他一样的废话。约翰绝对是一个相信纪律的老师……非常严格的纪律。当学生们超出了校长无法控制的程度。
回复 :巴斯春与父亲巴尼共同生活,父亲因工作繁忙答应过的事往往无法覆行,而游泳课中,又因畏惧高空跳水遭到同学耻笑,某日前往旧书店借书时,发现一本「回到大魔城」书中女主角,女童太后向巴斯春求救,巴斯春勇敢走入大魔域,才知道大魔域正遭受莎拉达女王和她的巨人队威胁,万一大魔域失落,地球上的小朋友将永远没有故事可听了,巴斯春召集了爱弟、法哥,并凭藉爱轮的法力,救出太后,而大魔域的安危……