回复 :这部剧讲述了一位聪明的荷兰侦探在充满活力和神秘的阿姆斯特丹用敏锐的观察和灵感探测破获犯罪案件。
回复 :ITV's critically acclaimed crime drama returns, starring multi-award winning actress Brenda Blethyn as DCI Vera Stanhope. Based on the bestselling Inspector Stanhope books by renowned writer Ann Cleeves, Vera and her team are faced with a series of daunting challenges. From delving into the unsettling private life of an old colleague, attempting to break through the code of secrecy in the army, to coping with the emotional impact on a family torn apart by addiction, each enthralling story is enhanced by captivating performances of this shambolic yet brilliant detective in action. Combined with beautifully shot landscapes and atmospheric production, each film creates a haunting backdrop for Vera's inner turmoil as she discovers hidden truths about her own past, which threaten to change her life forever.
回复 :16世纪末,日本正处于战国时代的白热化时期。魔王织田信长(吉田钢太郎 饰)集结大军,朝向早已失去甲斐之虎的武田领地袭来。武田家昔日的风光不再,而今则被织田信长、上杉景胜(远藤宪一 饰)、北条氏政(高岛政伸 饰)、德川家康(内野圣阳 饰)这几大豪强团团包围,灭亡在即。覆巢之下安有完卵,依附于武田家的真田昌幸(草刈正雄 饰)为了保护真田家,于是运用变化多端的计谋纵横捭阖,翻云覆雨,巧妙周旋于各路英雄之间。在此多事之秋,昌幸的两个儿子源三郎(大泉洋 饰)和源次郎(堺雅人 饰)见证并参与了时局动荡的各个重要事件。 特别是源次郎,他在父兄的磨练下迅速成长。而在不久后的将来,他还将以“真田幸村”这个名字在战国末年的战场上留下浓重的一笔……