回复 :首部长片便赢得戛纳影展金摄影奖的澳大利亚导演沃里克桑顿,自编自导的《新男孩》邀来奥斯卡影后凯特·布兰切特重返澳大利亚影坛,饰演1940年代战时澳大利亚的修女,收留睡不惯床铺、不说文明语言,却对万物充满灵性的原住民男孩,直到她发现男孩掌心发光的秘密。绝美荒芜图像结合摇滚诗人尼克凯夫与华伦艾利联手打造的配乐,情绪丰沛且充满感染力,成功将未知与神秘转换成深刻视觉感受。透过画面也仿佛向基督教文明提出质疑,信仰是否只能有一种途径?
回复 :大雨瓢泼的都市,邪恶欲望肆意横行。不经意间残忍而血腥的猎奇案件接连发生,有的人被饿犬撕咬而死,有的人被割掉和出生时同样重量的肉而死掉,有的被平均切成两半分送给妻子与情人,有的则被冻在冰柜中永葆不老的青春,更有人嘴里被塞满了大大小小的钉子。正为家庭矛盾所苦恼的搜查一课刑警泽村久志(小栗旬 饰)受命追查此事,随着调查的深入,他发现凶手全系一人所为,而且热衷在雨天行凶作案,之后他更发现所有死者全与许多年前的一起案件有关,偏偏泽村离家出走的妻子(尾野真千子 饰)也被卷入其中。争分夺秒的追查,凶手已对泽村亮出獠牙……本片根据日本漫画家巴亮介的同名原作改编。
回复 :Righteous district attorney Joseph Foster's main goal in life is to rid his city of the gangsters infesting it. In order to be even more efficient in his war against crime he plans to run for governor. One day he meets a strange, shadowy man, Nick Beal, who offers to help him to achieve his end. Beal convinces hesitating Foster by dint of easy money, easy sex with an alluring young woman and the promise of easy success. Joseph Foster soon becomes an influential politician but a corrupt one. A minister of God manages to show him that he has been the plaything of the so-called Nick Beal, who might be "Old Nick" , that is to say Satan himself. Foster then decides to resign and to become an honest man again.