回复 :作为前作「ef - a tale of memories.」的续篇「ef - a tale of melodies.」目前已经被列入制作日程、并预定10月播放。【STAFF】原作:minori 鏡遊・御影监督:大沼 心监修:新房昭之系列构成・脚本:高山カツヒコ人物原案:七尾奈留・2C=がろあ人物设定・总作画监督:杉山延寛色彩设定:日比野 仁美术监督:小濱俊裕音乐:天門・柳 英一郎音响监督:鶴岡陽太摄影监督:内村祥平编集:関 一彦动画制作:シャフト【CAST】雨宫优子:中島裕美子火村 夕:遠近孝一羽山瑞希:後藤麻衣久濑修一:浜田賢二广野 凪:伊藤 静雨宫明良:古澤 徹
回复 :Professor Charles Francis Xavier, who has the mutant ability to read minds, searches for new mutants to train them how to use their powers for good and to prevent the mutants from harming themselves and others at his School for Gifted Youngsters. His opposition, Magneto Master of Magnetism, is doing the same thing, but for evil purposes. He has made Mystique who is a shape-shifter, a principle of his high school to gather evil mutants to prepare them for war against non-mutants. The most interesting plot of the story is that all the heroes and villains attend the same high school. The classic battle of good vs. evil has begun again.
回复 :覗き見ラブコメ、新章2年生編スタート!ノゾミとキミオが高校2年に進級して「自分見せ合いっこ」はさらにカゲキに…!新たなクラスメートや禁断の恋に走る美少女など、新キャラも続々登場!!とどまることを知らない二人の覗き合いライフ──まだまだ覗き見できちゃいます!