国产E01 "The Beginning of the End" Liz is shocked by the poor quality of the programming Jack has planned for the fall. Jenna asks Liz to be her bridesmaid. Hazel and Kenneth invite Tracy to a dinner party.
国产E01 "The Beginning of the End" Liz is shocked by the poor quality of the programming Jack has planned for the fall. Jenna asks Liz to be her bridesmaid. Hazel and Kenneth invite Tracy to a dinner party.
回复 :继续讲述一个4岁男孩Kai和他的两个爸爸Damian和Jerry的故事,第二季从一个意想不到的客人Jimmy开始,他是Damian和他前妻的孩子。吉米的出现给达米安和杰瑞的生活带来了动荡。达米安仍然和他的前任保持联系,并且非常照顾吉米。这开始让杰里嫉妒,担心达米安可能会爱上一个女人又来了。与此同时,他面临着来自母亲的压力,希望他有自己的亲生孩子。另一方面,达米安在照顾吉米和杰瑞之间挣扎。他们如何解决所有的困难,维持他们的关系和家庭?
回复 :故事描述女警官Catherine(Sarah Lancashire)带领一个调查组来到约克郡一处偏远的山谷调查一起绑架案,但很快发现案情线索复杂。在一连串多米诺骨牌式的事件发生后,这起案件引出了多起更加严重的犯罪。
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