故事讲述受疫情影响而不得不去意识到“与人之间的距离”的现代,眠狂以“爱”与 “距离”为主题,描述住在同公寓的男女6人相遇、交心的故事。
故事讲述受疫情影响而不得不去意识到“与人之间的距离”的现代,眠狂以“爱”与 “距离”为主题,描述住在同公寓的男女6人相遇、交心的故事。
回复 :第一部分:经过了将近两百年的沉睡,卖萌耍宝的猪八戒(黄海波 饰)意外被铁扇公主(韩雪 饰)唤醒,他误将对方认作小龙女,一路尾随,谁知竟卷入了天庭征讨牛魔王(王学兵 饰)的行动中。铁扇以卧底身份潜入牛头山,痴心的八戒追随“小龙女”而来,由此引出一连串的意外。第二部分:美艳女妖锦毛鼠(范冰冰 饰)初次闯荡江湖,谁知稀里糊涂就被猪八戒夺去了初吻,古灵精怪的妖精碰上憨态可掬的胖神仙,有趣的故事接连上演。第三部分:猪八戒在千年不遇的流星雨中遭遇意外,导致他的影子从本体分离出去,变成了影子猪。影子猪反客为主,导致八戒只得远远逃遁,来到曼陀罗国,但是他的磨难并未就此结束。
回复 :EPISODES1. Everything Is Bonzer!Air date: Sep 27, 2018Michael intervenes in the near-death accidents of Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani and Jason on Earth, in hopes that a second chance at life allows them to become better versions of themselves. The Season 3 premiere.View Details2. Everything Is Bonzer! - Part 2Air date: Sep 27, 2018Chidi and Simone go on a date, and he kisses her after Eleanor protests his indecision.View Details3. The Brainy BunchAir date: Oct 4, 2018Michael's grand scheme hits an unexpected snag and forces him to take drastic measures.View Details4. The SnowplowAir date: Oct 11, 2018A surprising announcement from one of the humans threatens to dissolve the group.View Details5. Jeremy BearimyAir date: Oct 18, 2018The group explores the three main branches of ethical thought.View Details6. The Ballad of Donkey DougAir date: Oct 25, 2018Jason visits with some people from his past while Chidi gets help in resolving a problem.View Details7. A Fractured InheritanceAir date: Nov 1, 2018Eleanor makes a startling discovery that tests her resolve, Tahani looks to make amends and Janet does some bonding.View Details8. The Worst Possible Use of Free WillAir date: Nov 8, 2018Eleanor recalls some forgotten events from her past.View Details9. Don't Let the Good Life Pass You ByAir date: Nov 15, 2018Michael and Janet take an important journey. Eleanor ponders whether she should share a secret.View Details10. The Book of DougsAir date: Jan 10, 2019Michael's resolve is put to the test. Meanwhile, Jason wrestles with his feelings and Chidi surprises Eleanor.View Details11. Chidi Sees the Time-KnifeAir date: Jan 17, 2019Michael arranges an important meeting, and Janet makes a reconnection.View Details12. PandemoniumAir date: Jan 24, 2019Various events occur, in a certain specific order.
回复 :《星际牛仔》是部太空西部剧集,动作场面精彩刺激,讲述三位化名为“牛仔”的赏金猎人力图摆脱过去的故事。性格南辕北辙,但同样凶狠要命的三人分别是史派克·史比格(约翰·赵 饰)、杰特·布莱克(慕斯塔法·沙奇尔 饰)和菲·瓦伦坦(丹妮拉·皮内达 饰)。他们结为敢打敢拼、嘴巴超贱的团队,只要价钱谈妥,他们随时可以上路追捕太阳系最危险的罪犯。但即便一路靠著拳打脚踢、耍嘴皮子,挺过一堆混战,大伙终究得面对自己的过去。