回复 :厌倦了碌碌无为的平庸生活,德州女孩妮可·卡洛(詹米·亚历山大 Jaimie Alexander 饰)与男友杰西·希尔斯(乔伊·曼迪西诺 Joey Mendicino 饰)离家出走,驾车前往洛杉矶追寻她的表演梦想。两人一路前行,伴随着聊天、温存和争吵。期间他们迷路,汽油又所剩无几,好不容易才找到一个偏僻破旧的休息站。在使用过附近那昏暗、肮脏的洗手间后,妮可发现杰西和汽车竟然凭空消失。在这个收不到任何信号、杳无人烟仿佛与世隔绝的地带,她顿时陷入孤立无援的困境。然而妮可的厄运并未就此结束,一辆神秘的黄色小卡车对她展开攻击,而各种各样离奇古怪的事件也相继发生……
回复 :From the real life stories that inspired Game of Thrones, delve into a world of dynasties, blood feuds and civil war, where brother battles brother, uncle kills nephew, and cousin executes cousin in the race to decide who wears the bloodstained crown of England. The Tudor dynasty spans little over a century, but it is filled with big personalities and even bigger battles for power and influence. Trace the Tudor bloodline from Henry VII to Elizabeth I in a family drama like no other.Producer: Brian Aabech
回复 :Film about Swedish artist and feminist Silvana Imam.