节目延续明侦经典IP,欧美打造全新互动剧模式,欧美故事发生在每天都会发生各种诡异案件的芒城,“赏金猎人”网站蛰伏在芒城错综复杂的关系网之下,网站每完成一笔交易,芒城就会发生一起新的案件。就在此时,操纵网站的犯罪天才A(白敬亭 饰)竟然意外失忆,并被卷入一场废弃基地的逃生游戏,而游戏内容就是破解他失忆前布下的迷局……他能否从这场危机四伏的游戏中安全脱身?
节目延续明侦经典IP,欧美打造全新互动剧模式,欧美故事发生在每天都会发生各种诡异案件的芒城,“赏金猎人”网站蛰伏在芒城错综复杂的关系网之下,网站每完成一笔交易,芒城就会发生一起新的案件。就在此时,操纵网站的犯罪天才A(白敬亭 饰)竟然意外失忆,并被卷入一场废弃基地的逃生游戏,而游戏内容就是破解他失忆前布下的迷局……他能否从这场危机四伏的游戏中安全脱身?
回复 :NUMB3RS is a drama about FBI agent Don Eppes (Rob Morrow), who recruits his mathematical-genius brother, Charlie (David Krumholtz) to help the Bureau solve a wide range of challenging crimes in Los Angeles. The two brothers take on the most confounding criminal cases from a very distinctive perspective.Inspired by actual cases, the series depicts how the confluence of police work and mathematics provides unexpected revelations and answers to the most perplexing criminal questions.A dedicated FBI agent, Don couldn't be more different from his younger brother, Charlie, a brilliant mathematician who, since he was little, has yearned to impress his big brother. As a seasoned investigator, Don deals in hard facts and evidence, whereas Charlie, a math professor at a California university, functions in a world of mathematical probability and equations.Now, despite their disparate approaches to life, Don and Charlie are able to combine their areas of expertise and solve some killer cases.
回复 :
回复 :陕西卫视原创大型人文乡情体验电视节目《我的家乡在陕西》第二季将以主题系列的全新模式,致敬平凡的故事中平凡的人物,目前已确立“致敬母亲河”“我的青春在延安”“美好生活”三大系列主题。